Get inspired.
Meet your writing goals.
Feel creatively energized.

Writing workshops in Victoria, BC, for creative writers with big hearts + diverse stories to share.

Struggling to write consistently + creatively?

Sign up and immediately get my FREE workbook, “A 3-Step Checklist to Set up a Sustainable Writing Schedule.”

This quick workbook covers how to:

  • Dig deep and figure out your why for writing.

  • Set up a writing schedule that works for your life.

  • Commit to weekly writing with your own accountability contract.

You’ll also get my monthly Sunday Spark newsletter with tips + ideas on how to meet your writing goals and feel creatively energized in your life. ✨


Hey there, I’m Monika! 👋
It’s so lovely to ‘meet’ you.

I’m into joyful creativity, heartfelt storytelling, and freshly popped popcorn.

I’m also a full-time freelance writer who writes leveled + lovable books for schools and offers writing workshops in Victoria, BC, for fellow creative writers.