Hi there, I’m Monika!
I’m a freelance author, workshop facilitator, and fierce optimist.
I firmly believe writing our stories helps us become more connected to ourselves and others. That’s why I’m on a mission to help big-hearted writers meet their writing goals and feel creatively energized within a supportive community.
Fast Facts 💃🏻
← Hey, that’s me!
I’ve been imagining and writing up stories since my kid years.
Back then, my main characters were temperamental unicorns and wayward princesses in no need of rescuing.
When I grew up, I took a deep breath and committed to writing full-time.
I first studied creative writing at the University of British Columbia. Once I graduated, I began writing books for schools as a freelance writer.
In my 20s, I was a freelance writer with a nomadic spirit.
For three years, I travelled the globe, carrying just my backpack. Friends told me I was “living the dream.”
But in the quiet of my days, I knew the tough truth. I never exercised, procrastinated on all my deadlines, and ate hummus and crackers for breakfast.
I didn’t know how to take loving care of myself. And my creativity as a writer and freelancer suffered.
It took a disastrous romantic relationship for me to finally realize I kept trying to take care of other people—but never myself.
Now, I’m committed to helping fellow writers create with more joy, self-compassion, and intention.
Are you feeling stuck or unsure as a creative writer? I’ve been there, too.
I’ve spent the last three years learning how to set up habits, systems, and processes that help me take care of my wellbeing and cultivate my creative writing practice.
I wholeheartedly believe that self-care and creativity complement each other.
You’ll likely hear me chat about joyful storytelling, compassionate creativity, and the wonders of freshly popped popcorn.
I also love to share what I’m learning with fellow creative writers.
How about we learn + write together? Join my newsletter and let’s connect.
Ways to Write with Me ✏️
I’m on a mission to help big-hearted writers (both new and seasoned!) meet their writing goals—while having fun. I facilitate writing workshops near Sidney and in downtown Victoria.
I’m a freelance author of 50+ books for schools. I write leveled and lovable books that light up the imaginations of younger readers.
I’m passionate about the power of writing together and how it helps build kind and imaginative communities. Book a private workshop & give your community a creative and energizing adventure.
My values guide how I live and write.
Share similar values? We’ll probably be fast friends.
Compassion for others, paired with self-compassion, is my north star for how I live and write.
I believe we can intentionally choose joy in the everyday slowness of life. I create from a space of bubbly joy.
Choosing to take full responsibility for my actions is a huge part of my creative journey.
I aim to write and teach from a courageous and vulnerable space. This is my everyday commitment.
Interested in learning + writing with me?
Get “The Sunday Spark,” a newsletter to help you meet your writing goals. ✨
Every month, I’ll send you a letter with uplifting, actionable ideas to help you feel creatively energized in your writing life.
Sign up, and you’ll immediately get my free workbook, A 3-Step Checklist to Set up a Sustainable Writing Schedule ✏️